With Martin Luther King Jr. day on the horizon, students at Highland had an opportunity to learn about the Civil Rights movement by one of its participants. And there is no better person than someone who literally marched with King Jr. Thanks to Highland’s...
Tik Tok has been banned in the United States. Following the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the bill signed by President Joe Biden,...
Highland is being rebuilt, and it is going to be better than ever – in three to six business years. After the Salt Lake City School District’s...
The first day of college. People are bustling around, organizing rooms, catching up with friends, planning for the new year. Parents are waving...
When head lamps only allow a cone of visible light a few feet ahead, and the icy snow provides just enough traction to turn by leaning, with...
It’s early January in 2016. People are celebrating the new year, reflecting on the holidays, but most of all getting ready for the college...
Highland is filled with character. With history. It’s been standing here since 1955. Many generations have passed through these halls, thousands...
Reece Griffin and Greg Lin, with special guest Jack Looper, discuss their prospects for Jr. Jazz this season.
Luca DiGregorio, Billie Martinez, and Naomi Parnell, the Rambler's senior editors discuss the transition to college.