Frazier Is Crushing It In Classroom And On Court

Daria Khajavi

Coach Fraizer at Highland’s basketball practice.

Max Torres, Online Sports Editor

Marcus Fraizer’s life has really given him quite the experience. From playing basketball in college, creating a highschool coaching career while also teaching a special education class, to succeeding in his corporate job, Frazier has proven that he can succeed in any field or challenge that is thrown his way.

Fraizer’s love for basketball was placed perfectly in a coaching career. When given the chance to coach the JV team at Highland High School, and also help with the Varsity team, Frazier pounced on the opportunity. He couldn’t wait to be able to give the players tips and help them to be great. To give them the chance to grow a love for the sport, and continue to develop their skills. This process began during the team’s basketball class during school. Fraizer got to spend time with each player and learn how they played the game. He had the chance to understand his team’s strengths and weaknesses and then assess how to bring them up to their greatest potential and beyond. 

This then transferred to real practices in which Fraizer could have more time and resources in order to make his players great. 

Between meeting and bonding with his new team, and coaching them during practices, he has had a blast training his team and preparing them for their first game. 

The players under Coach Fraizer have extremely enjoyed their new leader’s skill and guidance.

Eddie Evans, one of Fraizer’s players, said,” His style of coaching fits perfectly with our team this year and Highland basketball as a whole, and he is a really likable guy that brings a bunch of enjoyment and energy at practice.”

Along with Fraizer’s chance to come and coach Highland’s basketball team, he was able to accept the position as a teacher for a special education class as well. This was an exciting way for Fraizer to participate in many activities he loved, and earn money doing it. Before he was hired by Highland, Frazier had previous teaching experience. He was a teacher at East in the functional life skills class. He was also coaching basketball there as well. So this meant that he truly had great prior knowledge of the classroom and the court. 

But then he was given an opportunity to work in corporate, which he ultimately decided to take on. He and his family decided that it was the best decision for them at the time because they were having their third baby and Fraizer also had the chance to work for a great company. 

Fraizers time at corporate lasted for around two and a half years. During this period of his life, he worked at both Packsize International, a box making machine technology company, and then also CHG, where he found physicians and placed them in hospitals where they were needed. Fraizer loved both of the places he worked at but realized that something just wasn’t right. 

“They were both really great companies, just not the right fit for me. Like I was itching to get back into the classroom,” Fraizer said when asked on why he left corporate.

Fraizer soon made the decision that he had to get back into a school. He and his family choose to leave his corporate job and find a new position as a teacher once more. 

With Fraizer’s choice of becoming a teacher once again came the requirement of finding a job in which to do so. When he heard about the chance to teach a special education here at Highland while also coaching the sport he loved, he eagerly accepted it. 

And since then, the rest is history. Fraizer has been working at Highland helping both his students and players for almost half a year now. He has truly made a difference in the people’s lives around him, all for the better. There are so many teachers and students at Highland that are grateful for his presence.