Highland Dance Company Performs “Paradox”
Cady Long dancing with HDC
March 21, 2023
On March 9th, Highland Dance Company had their opening night of Paradox. This performance was made up of 23 dances that were performed by dance company and jr. dance company and in various genres.
Paradox has been in the making since August as most of the dancers started choreographing during that time. In the past few months they have been rehearsing every day for the show to make sure they were all prepared.
“Seeing each other every day for rehearsal was always exciting.” Abby Smith said. “It was so exhausting but so worth it in the end.”
The whole performance was choreographed by students and each dance was incredibly meaningful to them. The last dance was a dance of all seniors and it was the last time they were all able to dance together as part of Highland Dance Company.
“My favorite dance was our opener [I’m A Lady]” Smith said. “It is very fun and gets people excited for the performance.
This year’s concert was also unique and different because of its name. Grace Gottfredson, the publicist of DCO, came up with the name and had all of the girls come up with a paradox as the title of their dances.
Dance company is a big family for all of the girls in their ability to bond together over their dances and activities that they do together each year.
“My most meaningful memory from being on DCO is camp every summer.” Smith said. “It is the first time all of us get to know each other and dance together before school starts.”
Overall paradox has had a lot of meaning to the girls on dco as they worked hard on all of these dances and wanted to touch the audience with their choreography and ability to dance.