Walking home with a box full of chocolate, gummies, and conversation hearts was the best part of elementary. Everyone handing out candy with no worries has now turned into awkward interactions and sad music.
Valentines’ day is now known as singles-awareness day, or a time to sulk in the feeling of being lonely. Now it’s less about love and more about survival.
Nowadays it’s a full-blown competition to see who can get the most expensive bouquet without going broke or, worse, everyone judging your flowers.
But flowers made in elementary were glued together and sprinkled with glitter. No one cared if it was romantic, it was all about the candy, the fun, and the sense of community.
Little kids are now joyfully building and drawing boxes for their valentine’s day party. The only thoughts they have are if it should be a puppy, or a monster. They spent their days decorating cookies, handing out candy, and enjoying the sparkles carefully placed by glue.
As a highschooler we should learn from elementary and change the bad habits of Valentines Day.
There was no stress associated with Valentine’s Day. For kids it’s a holiday like all the others, and you learn how to love everyone. Simple gestures of a note, or a single chocolate brightened everyone’s day and forced friendship with every student. There were no worries about being single, taken, or in love.
But once you enter the doors of high school nothing stays the same. From broke boyfriends, to depressed girls, everything and everyone changes.
A heartfelt note with scribble writings has turned into a single rose passed around and stomped on in high school. The meaning of valentine’s day has been diminished.
There’s no meaning behind any of the gifts anymore. A box of chocolates and a teddy bear are easy picks but with no thought. These same gifts are given every year, and nothing has changed. What happened to homemade cards, and a bouquet of flowers? It doesn’t matter how big it is when the meaning is there.
Just about every boyfriend is broke, or ready to break up. Things are too expensive to spend money on, and if not enough is spent they might be enduring a fight with their girlfriend. There’s a lot of unwanted pressure with this holiday, when it should stay a time to remember your love for others and enjoy the company.
Teachers, classmates, and parents all know how excited kids are to go to school. It’s changed to a day no one wants to show up to, in fear of embarrassment. If you’re in a relationship, or not, this day is full of laughing jokes, teasing, or tears.
“I miss Elementary school Valentines Day because it was more exciting, you have party’s all day, and you have the excitement of having a valentine.” Caroline Gardner said. The word exciting is the best way to explain elementary. Everyone became friends and enjoyed reading on a rainbow carpet.
Valentines’ day has transformed from a sweet, low-stakes celebration into a high-budget, high-stakes relationship. Back then the biggest challenge was making sure no one felt left out, and maybe choosing the coolest sticker to seal the envelope.
If everyone could remember the feeling of valentine’s day in second grade, we would understand that it isn’t a pressure holiday. We should love everyone and not add any embarrassment to it.
It’s now full-on awkward moments when you realize you must buy a gift for someone you’ve been dating for three weeks. But hey, at least you’re not stuck with scented markers anymore- now it’s just the pressure of finding a gift that doesn’t scream “I forgot”.