Jolly Ol’ Saint Nunley
The Nunley home is always an incredible and bright display during the holiday season.
December 20, 2014
Christmas lights are a popular tradition for many families, but one there is one family in particular that takes twinkling lights to the next level. Highland student Sawyer Nunley’s family goes all out when it comes to putting up Christmas lights. They even have a website where they post pictures of their decorated house!
“I love to see the smile we put on people’s faces, that is the main reason we do it,” Nunley said.
Though some families may put up lights to be just to be “showy”, the Nunley’s have more important reasons for the dedication they put into their Christmas lights.
“My dad really wants to brighten people’s days with the lights he puts up, he felt that was something he missed out on in the Christmas season, Christmas lights are one way he can do that.” Nunley said.
The Nunley’s father, Forrest, originally decided to put up decadent lights in an effort to impress his wife. This “honeymoon behavior” quickly turned into a Christmas extravaganza that became a full time job. Nunley’s main goal in his Christmas lights tradition is to make other people smile; putting in months of time, money and effort purely to bring a little joy to the community.
Putting together this show year after year, has led to some very memorable times. Over the years, Nunley has acquired the nickname of frosty and even more memorable, a few years ago somebody stole one of the Jesus’, and Mary’s from his collection of blow-molds. He said that he shopped long and hard to find the replacements only to come outside one day and see them returned in front of his garage. The thieves had had a momentary bout of humanity and wrote a note apologizing for their act. He has several backup sets just in case things go awry again. Additionally, the property is protected by his three dogs; one lab and two gigantic labradoodles. They patrol the property inside a makeshift fence put together by his son. He gives out candy canes and this year he has even made his own trademark frosty root beer and snow globes for the select few. The Nunley’s are building a small hot chocolate shack as well. Soon the house will rival any family Christmas activity in Utah.
Nunley treats his characters as near to children as possible. He described countless hours outside protecting them from the elements including hail, wind, and rain, recalling a long night standing out in relentless hail with his happy holiday’s sign. He said over and over that the efforts, cost, and hard work are all worth it when a child squeals that they “Know Santa is real!” after seeing his creations.
So how is this Christmas extravaganza possible for the average holiday cheer lover? The amount of lights the Nunley’s put up every year may seem excessive, with a double in their electricity bill from the end of November to the beginning of January. Although, they have found ways to be energy conscious, even with this much holiday spirit. The Nunley’s compensate by not using air conditioning in the summer and using a fireplace for most of the winter. This gives them a resulting electric bill of only about 100$-200$ more than their neighbors.
The impact on the community may be impossible to measure, but the impact on the Nunley’s household is very tangible. The family has numerous planning sessions and nights around the fire as they prepare to stage their annual festivities. Additionally, it becomes a trick-or-treat-like atmosphere throughout the holidays. The Nunley’s gather around their father talking, laughing, and just hanging out while they await their next visitor. Mr. Nunley so enjoys the interactions and meeting with the community. He meets hundreds of people every year and many are now repeat customers.
If Frosty’s Wonderland is not on your list of “can’t misses” this year, put it there. You will more than likely see a show you will remember, meet one of the most giving and thoughtful families around, and instill another tradition for your family, provided by the Nunley’s.