Freshman Election 2019-2020 Winners Announced

Rachael Maughan, Feature Editor

Ten freshmen entered C110 on Friday. The doors were closed and the lights turned off. Seven left, three remained. 

Highland student government advisor Wendy Curtis spoke to the three about their new duties and responsibilities now that the freshmen of Highland had elected them to take care of this 2019-20 school year. 

Those three were Lilliani Wolfgramm as president, Myles Folau as vice president, and Parker Bello as secretary.

The process of electing freshman officers tends to differ every year, and this one was no exception. Freshmen were pulled out of their A2 class to attend a short assembly. There, they were shown the filmed skits of those running and were given ballots, which were turned in as they left. 

Doing this, there were fewer disruptions in the classes this year and the ballots were collected quickly, making results known much faster.

“I think this was much more efficient, and it was freshman centered, so it really just focused on the kids that needed to know,” Curtis, who is in charge of running the election, said. “If it seems like there were a significant number of students who voted, which means more kids had a voice, then I feel like it was successful and yes, we would do it again that way.”

Along with representing the freshman class, the freshmen officers will plan, organize, and run the Sadies Hawkins dance in November and help with decorating and planning spirit week. 

A goal of Bello for this school year is to “make the school the best that it can be.” 

The Highland community has high hopes that the freshman officers will be able to accomplish this and contribute to another great year at Highland.